Our pediatric experts have served the special needs of children for more than 100 years. From immunizations and well-child visits to rebuilding little hearts and creating new treatments for kids with cancer, we focus on each child’s unique needs and offer social and emotional support to help you and your child face even the most complex condition. Our long history includes the creation of medical advances that save lives around the world.
Helping your child grow up healthy
At UW Health Kids, you and your child are part of our family. From finding your baby’s pediatrician to treating complex health concerns, our teams provide personalized care.
Through partnerships that address top risks to children’s health, we work to improve children's health and well-being. Partnerships include oral health and dentistry initiatives, Safe Kids Coalition and the Get on Board with Child Safety initiative.
Our world-class American Family Children’s Hospital is located in Madison, Wis., with a Level l Pediatric Trauma Center, a Level l Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, a verified Pediatric Burn Center and a Level lV Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. In Rockford, Ill., our Women and Children's Hospital offers expert care for mothers and babies with a Level III NICU, private labor and delivery rooms, mother-baby suites, as well as pediatric care to treat and manage more complex care needs for kids from birth into their early adult years.
UW Health Kids provides care for newborns to young adults across Wisconsin, northern Illinois and the Midwest.
With research funding by the National Institutes of Health and multiple clinical trials, UW Health Kids researchers, scientists and doctors test new therapies and search for better treatments.
Some children benefit from new treatments that are still being studied. At UW Health Kids, you have access to clinical trials testing the latest medication therapies. Learn about our clinical trials for children
American Family Children's Hospital
Our world-class, family-friendly hospital welcomes kids from across the nation. Our expert physicians and support services teams provide remarkable care for kids, including the sickest and most seriously injured.
Part of the UW Carbone Cancer Center and one of only a few select centers nationwide deemed comprehensive by the National Cancer Institute offering the latest treatments and protocols for childhood leukemia, brain tumors and neuroblastoma.
UW Health Kids Heart Care Program is dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of heart disease in newborns through young adults.
Our Wisconsin program is ranked among the nation’s top 40 pediatric cardiology and heart surgery programs by U.S. News & World Report.
The UW Health Kids neurology and neurosurgery programs offer the latest treatments for the most complex neurological conditions. We are dedicated to helping all children reach their full potential and live happier, healthier lives.
Recognized for excellence in patient care and education with emphasis on cystic fibrosis and care for children with technology dependence.
Our UW Health Kids pediatric therapy teams include experts in pediatric rehabilitation medicine, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, orthotics and prosthetics. We work with children and their families to help your child build strength and increase function and learning. We ensure your child gets the tools and therapies they need to live an active and fulfilling life.
UW Health Kids transplant experts are part of UW Health's Transplant Center in Madison, WI, one of the largest centers in the nation. We offer expertise in pediatric kidney, liver, pancreas and lung transplant services.
Nationally recognized experts who are pioneers in the use of innovative techniques for spine tumors, spinal deformities and spinal trauma.
Our UW Health Kids pediatric and adolescent team specializes in the unique needs of infants through young adults. We’re also here to answer your questions about parenting and childhood health and be a source of support and guidance. Your child’s well-being is as important to us as it is to you.
American Family Children's Hospital
Women and Children's Hospital
Aspirus Riverview Hospital
Aspirus Weston Clinic
Aurora BayCare Medical Center
Aurora Medical Center Oshkosh
Prevea Allouez Health Center
Women and Children's Hospital
All moms and babies expect and deserve the best. The Women and Children's Hospital in Rockford, Illinois offers expert care in a state-of-the-art facility. From birthing suites to a Level III NICU and more than a dozen specialty clinics for all of your child's health needs, we're here to provide you and your family with the care it deserves.
Elliot's parents had a lot to manage when they knew they were expecting triplets. Then they found out Elliot had a condition called transposition VSD and would need major heart surgery shortly after birth. Our specialists helped them develop a plan of care for the triplets’ births, Elliot’s care until surgery and going home to have all the brothers together.
Severe scoliosis left Kiara sidelined. She found help at American Family Children’s Hospital in Madison, Wis., one of just a few places in the country that could treat her condition.
Sick kids can't heal by themselves
Make a difference in a sick child’s life today with a gift to American Family Children’s Hospital. The return on your investment is truly priceless.
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