University Hospital and American Family Children’s Hospital emergency departments are an integral part of our Level I Trauma centers. They share the same entrance and are physically connected within the same building. This means you have access to all medical and surgical specialties for adults and children around the clock.
Adult and Pediatric Level I Trauma Center with specialists ready to care for the most serious injuries.
Stroke care specialists are available 24/7 with a dedicated Neuro ICU on site
Heart specialists to quickly diagnose and treat a heart attack
A verified Burn Center
Our emergency departments at East Madison Hospital, and in Belvidere and Rockford, Ill., are equipped to handle emergencies, admit patients for hospitalization and transfer adults or children to our Level I Trauma Center for more specialized needs.
Collectively, our emergency departments provide the latest technology, diagnostic tests and emergency treatments, all in comforting environments. While we work to treat you as quickly as possible, our staff also respects your privacy and will work to help your visit go smoothly. We will evaluate and treat you as quickly as possible whether you’re admitted to the hospital or are able to return to your home after treatment.
Treatment is based on your condition and needs. The expertise of the entire UW Health team is available to you. We work to provide all the help you need while easing your stress.
If you need prompt medical attention but your condition isn’t a life-threatening emergency, you might wish to consider urgent care.
We have robust research initiatives to help improve emergency care in a variety of settings, and to specific groups of people like children and older adults. We work with other departments at the University of Wisconsin, and partner with institutions across the country and around the world. Learn more about our research programs
At University Hospital, adults and kids enter through the same ED entrance, but children and their families go to a special waiting room while a care team at the American Family Children’s Hospital prepares to see them. This area has kid-friendly activities to ease the anxiety children might feel during their visit.
The American Family Children’s Hospital Emergency Department is one of only two dedicated pediatric departments in Wisconsin, staffed by a care team specialized to treat emergent injuries and illness in children. Fellowship-trained doctors offer expert care alongside dedicated nurses and child life specialists who are experts at helping children through their visit and treatment.
We have 11 patient rooms specially designed for kids. Each room is decorated in a child-friendly theme and equipped with special light displays to put anxious kids (and parents) at ease.
Special waiting areas are available near our trauma rooms. They allow family members to gather in a private space while they await word on a critically ill or injured loved one.
University Hospital BerbeeWalsh Emergency Department
East Madison Hospital Emergency Department
American Family Children's Hospital Pediatric Emergency Department
Belvidere Hospital Emergency Department
SwedishAmerican Hospital Emergency Department
Our emergency medicine providers work as a team to provide you care. A board-certified emergency physician leads the care team. Others who might be involved in your care include registered nurses, technicians, pharmacists, social workers, child life specialists and respiratory therapists.
Michael Abernethy, MD
Emergency MedicineMeinkeng Acha-Morfaw, MD
Emergency MedicineColleen Andrews, MD, MPH
Emergency MedicineCiara Barclay-Buchanan, MD
Emergency MedicineJeffrey Beczkiewicz, PA
Emergency MedicineBrittney Bernardoni, MD
Emergency Medicine
When you arrive, please check in at the Emergency Department reception desk. Staff will register you and ask questions about your illness or injury.
Triage is the process we use to determine which patient needs to be cared for next. After you’ve been registered, a clinical provider will take your vital signs. A nurse or a physician will then evaluate you to determine if aspects of your care need to be started more immediately. You may then be moved directly to an exam room or to the waiting area until an exam room is available.
Wait times vary depending on time of day and the number of other patients needing to be seen. We help the sickest and most severely injured people first, so please be aware that people are not always seen in the order they arrive and some people could have emergency medical conditions that might not be obvious to others. We appreciate your patience as we care for all patients who need our care.
A stay in the ED typically lasts 2 to 6 hours. Sometimes it can be longer. The length of your stay depends on what tests you need and whether your doctor wants a specialist to see you. The number of other people being treated in the ED and their conditions also can impact the length of your stay.
Your doctor will determine if you should remain in the hospital. If you’re admitted to the hospital, we’ll make every effort to explain your condition and answer your questions. Social workers and case managers might meet with you to make sure you understand your plan of care.
If you don’t require a hospital stay, we’ll provide instructions on caring for yourself at home. We’ll also provide prescriptions if there are any medicines we think you should take.