Todos los pacientes y visitantes a los establecimientos de las clínicas y hospitales de UW Health deben:
Utilizar una mascarilla de barrera que les cubra la nariz y la boca
Responder las preguntas de detección de COVID-19
Desinfectar sus manos con frecuencia
Practicar distanciamiento físico
Coberturas faciales
UW Health solicita que todas las personas mayores de 5 años (proveedores, personal, pacientes, visitantes, etc.) utilicen al menos una mascarilla de barrera en los establecimientos de UW Health (todos los espacios, incluyendo las áreas no clínicas).
Mascarillas de barrera
Proporcionan un mayor nivel de protección que las coberturas faciales
Previenen que las gotitas de la respiración que flotan en el aire entren en su boca y nariz
Impiden que las gotitas de su respiración lleguen a otras personas
Se proporcionarán mascarillas de barrera a los pacientes que lleguen con mascarillas de tela. La mascarilla debe cubrir su nariz y su boca, y debe usarla durante todo el tiempo que permanezca en un establecimiento de UW Health. Los pacientes hospitalizados deben usar la mascarilla en los pasillos y mientras el personal está en sus habitaciones. Los pacientes que no pueden tolerar usar mascarillas sobre la nariz y la boca deben comunicarse con su proveedor de atención médica por teléfono o a través de MyChart.
Patients with symptoms of respiratory illness are required to wear a mask in all settings. Visitors with symptoms of respiratory illness or a positive COVID-19 test in the previous 10 days are not permitted.
Masks are required for all UW Health staff, patients and visitors during patient interactions at:
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center Rockford
All high-risk inpatient units (Critical Care Unit, Neonatal Intensive Care Unity, 7th floor oncology unit)
All other settings
Masks are optional in all low-risk inpatient units, ambulatory clinics main entrances, information desks and cafeteria areas
Masks are required for all inpatient units and in high-risk ambulatory clinics, including:
Cancer clinics
Chemotherapy clinics
Critical care units
Emergency departments
Infectious disease clinics
Infusion centers
Johnson Creek Regional Cancer Center
Pulmonary clinics
Radiation oncology
Transplant clinic
Urgent care
Masks are optional in low-risk ambulatory clinics and in main entrances, information desks and cafeteria areas.
Patients may request that care team members wear masks in an area designated as ‘masking optional,’ and staff and providers will honor the request.
Barrier masks
Patients who arrive where masks are required will be provided a barrier mask to wear. In addition, the mask must cover both the nose and mouth and be worn the entire time. Patients who are not able to tolerate wearing a mask over the mouth and nose should contact their health care provider by phone or through MyChart. Immunocompromised patients should consider wearing a tight-fitting mask like a KN95 or N95.
Por favor consulte la siguiente información para saber cuántas personas como apoyo principal y visitantes se permiten en las citas de pacientes ambulatorios adultos y pediátricos, y durante las hospitalizaciones.
Los miembros del clero, los intérpretes, los funcionarios de enlace como trabajadores del servicio de hospicio, del servicio de protección de adultos, de enlace de centros de enfermería especializada con identificación, de grupos de apoyo de pares no se consideran visitantes, sino parte del equipo de atención permitido.
El equipo de atención de un paciente puede hacer excepciones compasivas cuando sea apropiado. La solicitud para una excepción compasiva debe presentarse antes de una cita en la clínica o como paciente ambulatorio para su adecuada revisión y consideración.
American Family Children's Hospital
2 designated primary support/caregivers allowed with the patient 24/7 within the following guidelines:
Primary support/caregiver must be older than 16 years of age
Primary support/caregiver will be the only people allowed to sleep overnight at the patient's bedside
Individuals under age 18 visiting American Family Children's Hospital must be accompanied by an adult.
Additional visitors are allowed during hospital visiting hours
Total number of primary support and visitors in the patient room cannot be more than 4 people at a time. Only 2 primary support individuals are allowed in surgical services and procedural areas.
General care units allow siblings of all ages. Intensive Care Units allow siblings 5-years-old and older.
Visiting hours: 8 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Individuals under age 18 visiting American Family Children's Hospital must be accompanied by an adult
All visitors must be assessed on entry to the unit
2 visitors, age 18 or older at one time
Adult visiting hours
Monday–Friday, 7:30–8:30 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, 1–2 p.m.
Adolescents/Children visiting hours
Monday–Friday, 6–7 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, 3:30–4:30 p.m.
For the safety of our patients, we do not allow family members under the age of 16 in our facility.
All patients are allowed 1 support person.
Guidelines for visitors under 16 years of age
In instances when a 16- or 17-year-old is part of a family/group, they will be counted as a ‘child’ to allow families/groups to stay together.
Children are welcome with an adult during visiting hours only. Exceptions:
Breastfeeding infant and end of life situations
Individuals 16 years and older may visit without an adult
Children and teens under age 16 do not count towards the total number of adult visitors allowed. In other words, there is no set limit on the number of children who can visit with a supervising adult.*
*If care team members determine that the total number of visitors (including children) is impeding care delivery in any way (i.e., too many bodies in the room interfering with machines and the movements of the care team), care team members can use their discretion to limit the number of children visiting.
Guidelines for visiting a patient in isolation
Limit of 2 visitors at the same time. Follow other designated visitor guidelines above.
Visitors should go directly to the patient's room and remain in the room during the visit, except to use the public restroom.
For everyone's safety, visitors should wear personal protective equipment (PPE) and follow all instructions provided.
COVID-19 confirmed patient may only have visitors for end-of-life care, when required legally and/or 1 visitor for 1 hour each day.