There are two types of uterine cancer:

  • Endometrial cancer is the most common type. It affects the lining of the uterus.

  • Uterine cancer is rare. It affects the muscles of the uterus.

The UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center is Wisconsin's only comprehensive cancer center. Only a limited number of cancer centers in the U.S. offer all the services available here. Our specialists have the expertise to treat both types of uterine cancer.

U.S. News & World Report High Performing Gynecological Cancer Surgery
Gynecological cancer surgery was rated as high performing by U.S. News & World Report.

At the UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center, gynecologic oncologists treat uterine cancer. They specialize in women’s cancers, and you don’t find them everywhere. They work together with a team of other experts that includes:

  • Genetic counselors

  • Gynecologic pathologists

  • Health psychologists

  • Medical oncologists

  • Radiation oncologists

  • Radiologists

Our goal: To give you the best possible care for your body and mind.

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Surgery is the most common treatment for uterine cancer. If you no longer want to bear children, we can offer a robotic-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy. During this procedure, a surgeon removes your uterus using tiny incisions. Laparoscopic surgery can result in less pain than open surgery, which requires larger cuts. It may also lead to a shorter hospital stay and a quicker recovery.

Preventing the action of hormones might keep cancer from growing.

At UW Health, part of our work includes learning more about cancer and cancer care. Through research and clinical trials, we improve our knowledge. In many cases, this allows us to offer you promising new treatments.

Find a clinical trial

Uterine cancer is highly treatable if found early. That means it’s crucial to know the symptoms. These can include:

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding, including bleeding after menopause

  • Difficult or painful urination

  • Ongoing pelvic pain or discomfort in your lower abdomen

  • Pain during sex

  • Water-like pink or white vaginal discharge

If you have symptoms, tell your doctor. Our professionals may do a physical exam and run tests that exam the uterus to diagnose your condition. In most cases, our specialists will also look at cells from your uterus under a microscope.

We treat uterine cancer at the UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center located in Madison, Wis. Here, you’ll find the largest gynecologic cancer department in Wisconsin.

  • The lighted exterior of the Health Sciences Learning Center and Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery
    The lighted exterior of the Health Sciences Learning Center and Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery
    UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center
    • 600 Highland Ave / Madison, WI
    • (608) 915-0100
  • Signage of UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center Rockford
    Signage of UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center Rockford
    UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center Rockford
    • 3535 N Bell School Rd / Rockford, IL
    • (779) 696-9400
  • Beloit Cancer Center entrance
    Beloit Cancer Center entrance
    BHS Cancer Center
    • 1670 Lee Lane / Beloit, WI
    • (608) 264-5253
  • Red brick and windows from the exterior of UW Health Cancer Center Johnson Creek
    Red brick and windows from the exterior of UW Health Cancer Center Johnson Creek
    UW Cancer Center Johnson Creek
    • 250 Doctors Ct / Johnson Creek, WI
    • (920) 699-3500
  • UW Health Cancer Center at ProHealth Care
    • N16 W24131 Riverwood Dr / Waukesha, WI

Contact the UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center

At the only comprehensive cancer center in Wisconsin, we treat a variety of cancer types using the latest and most advanced treatments available.

Contact us