In fact, in 2019, an estimated 10,000 people in the United States sought medical attention for firework-related injuries, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At UW Health, about 15 people were treated for fireworks-related trauma or burns in 2020.
Today, UW Health is offering safety reminders so the community can have a safe and happy July 4 holiday with family and friends. Some simple advice includes attending public firework displays. To protect young children’s ears, the Safety Center at American Family Children’s Hospital sells ear protection. Instead of sparklers, give children glowsticks; sparklers can reach 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. And always, keep fireworks away from children.
No one should do the following with fireworks:
Experiment or make your own fireworks
Light more than one firework at a time
Re-light a “dud” firework
Point or throw fireworks at people
Carry fireworks in your pocket
Allow children to pick up used fireworks; some may still be active
Hold a lit firework in your hand
Consume alcohol or drugs when lighting fireworks
Safety tips for handling fireworks:
Hold a sparkler out in front of you with your arm completely extended
Stand at least three feet away from someone holding a sparkler
Observe your local and state laws
Have a designated sober adult light all legal fireworks
Light one firework at a time and move away quickly
Keep children and other observers at a safe distance and behind a protective barrier
Store firework out of the reach of children
Keep a bucket of water or a hose close for disposal of fireworks
If a burn injury does occur
Stop, drop and roll if your clothing catches fire, and then immediately douse in cool water
Cool the burn with cool (not cold) water to stop the burning process
Remove all clothing and jewelry from the injured area
Cover the area with a dry clean sheet or loose bandages
Seek medical attention