Cynthia Nordmeyer, MA

  • Integrative Health - Complementary Services

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Cynthia Nordmeyer, MA, is a UW Health mindfulness instructor. She teaches patients the practice of focusing on the present moment to improve their overall health and well-being.

Instead of thinking about the past or worrying about the future, Cynthia helps patients to focus on their current feelings, sensations and environment — without judging themselves.

Cynthia was first introduced to meditation practice by her yoga teachers over twenty years ago, and found herself returning to the teachings and practices again and again. She was a school counselor in the Madison Metropolitan School District, and was a part of the district’s core mindfulness team that continues to offer mindfulness-based programs and classes to staff across the school district. Cynthia now lives in southern Vermont where she is a high school counselor. She is trained in Mindfulness Training for Smokers, the .b curriculum for teens developed by Mindfulness in Schools Project and is a qualified MBSR teacher with the UCSD Center for Mindfulness.

During mindfulness sessions, Cynthia may use meditation practices, deep breathing exercises, guided imagery and gentle stretching to help patients learn to relax and deal with their emotions in a healthy way. She encourages people to use these practices to help reduce stress, anxiety and depression, lower blood pressure, improve sleep, eat healthier and cope with pain.

Mindfulness can reduce the negative effects of chronic stress and help you live a peaceful life.

Idiomas hablados
  • English