Jane Nixon, PA

  • Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Jane Nixon, PA

Acerca de

Jane Nixon, PA, is a physician’s assistant at UW Health. Jane provides care for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, thyroid disorders, pituitary disorders and gender dysphoria. She finds chronic disease care and gender medicine particularly rewarding.

Jane enjoys being able to make a difference in her patients’ lives. Her approach to care is to focus on the positive while finding the right treatment option for her patients. She enjoys building long-term relationships with all of her patients and works closely with other specialists to address all aspects of her patients’ health.

Jane’s philosophy is to include her patients in the decision-making process as much as possible. She aims to give them options for treatment and then let them be the captain of their ship.

Outside of work, Jane enjoys traveling, being outdoors, taking photos, knitting and working on DIY home projects.

I have always liked to be a helper. I want to help my patients live their best lives.

Idiomas hablados
  • English
Afiliación universitaria

Educación y credenciales

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

Áreas de especialización