Jennifer Tucholka, PA

  • General Surgery
Jennifer Tucholka, PA

Jennifer Tucholka, PA, is a UW Health physician assistant. She provides inpatient and outpatient care for people with burns and chronic non-healing wounds, such as ulcers, surgical wounds and traumatic wounds.

Knowing that every person is unique, Jennifer listens carefully to learn about patients’ concerns, preferences and lifestyles. She collaborates with them to establish a wound care plan that meets their individual needs, supports wound healing and improves their quality of life.

Jennifer is grateful for the multidisciplinary team of experts at UW Health who collaborate to ensure that every patient gets the care they need.

Outside of work, Jennifer enjoys spending time with family and being outdoors — camping, biking and playing sand volleyball.

I enjoy partnering with patients to help them achieve their goals for healing.

Languages spoken
  • English
University affiliation
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI