Leslie Adams, NP

  • Geriatrics (Specialty Care)
Leslie Adams, NP

Leslie Adams, NP, is a UW Health nurse practitioner. She treats patients with dementia, cognitive function decline and other memory loss conditions.

Leslie sees patients at the Memory Assessment Clinic, where she diagnoses and manages a range of cognitive changes in elderly people. Her approach to care includes treatment options that help patients maintain their best quality of life. She works alongside patients and their family members and loved ones, and believes it’s essential that her patients are at ease and feel heard while in treatment.

In her free time, Leslie enjoys singing in her church choir, caring for her family and being outdoors.

I have always felt drawn toward caring for the elderly to help them maintain their best quality of life.

Languages spoken
  • English
University affiliation
  • University of San Diego Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science