Lynn Posick, NP

  • Orthopedic Surgery
Lynn Posick, NP

Acerca de

Lynn Posick, NP, is a UW Health nurse practitioner in orthopedic surgery. She works with other UW Health orthopedic providers to care for people with foot and ankle conditions.

Lynn commonly cares for patients with plantar fasciitis (swelling of the tissue that connects your heel bone to your toes), Achilles tendinitis (pain in the lower leg into the heel), arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Lynn also sees people with conditions that may require surgery, including hammertoes (bent toes), bunions (bony growth on the big toe) and fractures (broken bones).

She enjoys being able to help orthopedic patients recover from a debilitating injury or illness and regain their range of motion and activity level. As a strong advocate for active living, Lynn knows how important it is for people to maximize their physical ability so they can stay active.

Outside of work, Lynn enjoys spending time with her three children, camping, biking, strength training and cooking.

It’s very rewarding to me to be able to help people get back to a healthy active lifestyle.

Idiomas hablados
  • English

Educación y credenciales

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

Áreas de especialización