Sarah Gunderson, OT

  • Occupational Therapy

Sarah Gunderson is an occupational therapist at UW Health. Sarah works with patients with wide variety of conditions including stroke, concussion, brain tumors and brain or spinal cord injuries as well as neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, Guillain-Barre syndrome and dementia.

Sarah also helps patients with conditions that make it challenging to perform the activities of daily living such as bathing, eating or using the bathroom. She teaches them how to manage conditions such as arm weakness, spasticity (stiff or rigid muscles) and vision changes related to neurological disorders and sees patients at the UW Health Drivers Assessment Program.

Sarah entered the medical profession to make a positive difference in the lives of people experiencing significant health issues. She enjoys hiking, camping, biking and attending her children’s sporting events. She also likes to read, make sourdough bread and practice playing the mandolin. Although she loves living in Madison, the Chicago native remains a Bears fan at heart, despite her husband’s best attempts to convert her.

My goal is to help individuals achieve their best quality of life and find ways to participate in meaningful activities.

Languages spoken
  • English