
Top-ranked care

Our fetal heart specialists will care for your baby as you move through treatment stages, which may include surgery with our pediatric team, ranked among the best in the country.

The UW Health Kids Heart Program offers specialized clinics and programs to treat children of all ages with heart defects from birth through their toddler and teenage years. You can be confident in the care your child will receive. As your child approaches adulthood, we’ll also help with the important step of transitioning care to an adult heart specialist. National organizations rank our program among the best in the country. And our outcomes show that our patients do better than others when compared to others across the nation.

Our fetal cardiology coordinator is a constant and familiar resource to help guide you through the stages of you and your baby’s care. As a support and an advocate if needed, she will help you understand your baby’s diagnosis, navigate appointments and connect you with resources during your pregnancy, child’s birth and care in the first year.

Conditions and treatments

Care of the fetus with cardiac concerns

Our fetal cardiology program is focused on supporting every family with seamless care using the highest skills, latest technology and our deepest compassion to always do what is right for the patient and family.

We use the time before the baby is born to teach you about your baby’s diagnosis and to prepare a care plan for you and your baby. We will work closely with your primary care provider or OB/Gyn to develop a shared care plan. The maternal fetal medicine subspecialists at UW Health partner with pediatric cardiology to provide comprehensive care from fetal to neonatal life.

We are here to answer your questions. You may take comfort knowing that you and your baby are in the care of UW Health’s experienced and nationally recognized pediatric heart care team. We work to do everything possible to create a strong care plan and make the rest of your pregnancy as easy as possible.

Our fetal cardiology coordinator makes sure you have all the services needed for seamless care including high-level neonatal and pediatric cardiac surgery care at American Family Children’s Hospital. Conditions we treat range from simple to complex, especially when there could be multiple diseases. Below is a list of some, but not all, the conditions we treat.


Fetal echocardiogram

Problems with a fetus’ heart are diagnosed through a fetal echocardiogram. Our team includes three dedicated fetal cardiologists. They have high-level training in diagnosing complex fetal heart issues and evaluating and managing irregular heart rhythms and other abnormal conditions. Together they review more than 1,000 fetal echocardiograms a year from patients and hospitals in Wisconsin. Accurate diagnosis is key to helping you understand the condition and how it can be treated, providing additional services and working with you on a birth plan for your baby.


Keeping patients close to home

Meet our team

Experts in caring for your unborn baby’s heart

Patient stories

Meet some of the families we’ve served

Before Abraham was born, his parents learned that he would need surgery shortly after birth to survive. As they looked at experts to care for both Abraham and his mom, the UW Health Kids heart team and the resources at American Family Children's Hospital stood out. The team's experience and approach to family-centered care instilled confidence in them--both for Abraham's birth and his heart care that would follow.
Elliot's parents had a lot to manage when they knew they were expecting triplets. Then they found out Elliot had a condition called transposition VSD and would need major heart surgery shortly after birth. Our specialists helped them develop a plan of care for the triplets’ births, Elliot’s care until surgery and going home to have all the brothers together.
Michael was born with a rare heart condition that his doctors detected before he was born. When he was just 3 months old, he had heart surgery at American Family Children’s Hospital.
A baby being held by a physician in an exam room
Prompt heart surgery paves the way for young Levi

Born with an AV canal defect and narrowing aorta, Levi needed open heart surgery at just two weeks of age.

Joelle Devries with Dr. Petros Anagnostopoulos
Joelle’s heart is aglow, despite complex defect at birth

Joelle required multiple surgeries to improve her heart function. Even after her family moved 16 hours away from Madison, they worked with UW Health Kids heart specialists for her care plan and returned for the necessary heart surgeries.

Newborn Daxton Noggle and parents Amber and Dustin
Daxton’s Heart was in the right place

Amber Noggle was 20 weeks pregnant when she went in for what she expected to be a routine ultrasound.