Spectrum: Getting you back in the game

Spectrum is a group rehabilitation program that combines philosophies of sports training and functional rehabilitation.


About our program

Spectrum training is for people from any healthcare system who have had ACL reconstruction or other lower-extremity injuries. It is designed to give athletes functional strength and sport-specific drills to return to sport activities. These classes are led by physical therapists and physical therapist assistants who specialize in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and lower-extremity rehabilitation.

Our classes:

  • Focus on teaching and retraining movements required for sport skills

  • Help build strength, flexibility, agility/coordination, endurance and sports skill

  • Develop the ability to respond to unanticipated movements and overcome fatigue, which is crucial for injury prevention and returning to sports after injury

  • Provide the psychological support of a group of people who have suffered and returned from similar injuries

Who is Spectrum for?

The class is primarily designed for patients who have had ACL reconstruction, but is beneficial for all lower-extremity injuries.

Get started

How to access Spectrum programs

To get started with Spectrum, begin by requesting a Spectrum Evaluation. This evaluation will help identify which Spectrum phase (see descriptions below) is right for you. After your evaluation, a Sports Rehabilitation physical therapist will provide Spectrum registration information.

Payment and reimbursement

Spectrum is a self-pay program. It is not part of physical therapy charges, so is not billed to insurance. Participation in the program does not count against your authorized individual physical therapy visits.

Spectrum programs

The key to bridging the gap between rehabilitation and sports is to return to basic movement skills, including postural awareness exercises, balance activities, proprioceptive challenges, coordination activities and basic functional strengthening drills.


  • $135 per month

Meeting dates

Mondays and Wednesdays

Tuesdays and Thursdays

As athletes relearn to control their strength and coordination, they need to apply coordination to running, jumping, hopping, skipping, leaping and catching before advanced athletic movements can be achieved. Activities in Phase II add components of speed, impact and change of center-of-gravity, and combine more than one movement and more than one direction or plane of movement. They also continue to work to rebuild their strength.

Cost: $180 per month

Meeting dates

Mondays and Wednesdays

Tuesdays and Thursdays

In Phase lll, rehabilitation is specialized to individual sports and trains in agility, plyometrics, speed, strength and power exercises. After completion of Phase lll athletes are prepared to resume full sports participation at pre-injury level or beyond.

In Phase lll+, now that you have returned to sport, rehabilitation is specialized to returning to performance and re-injury prevention. The training will include unanticipated movements, cognitive load movements, power, speed, landing mechanics and leg core stability.


Where to find us