
Advanced treatments for hard-to-heal skin injuries

At UW Health, we provide wound care at our clinics in Wisconsin and Illinois, as well as our inpatient Burn and Wound Center at University Hospital in Madison, WI. Our specialists treat many types of chronic and hard-to-heal wounds. With their experience and the most advanced treatments available, we help your body heal and help you get back to living your life.

Wounds can be related to many conditions, including diabetes, burns, lymphedema, poor circulation and more. Sometimes chronic conditions, immune system problems and disability can be a factor, as well.

We work with a team of experts who are available any time they’re needed. In many cases, the specialized care we offer allows us to save limbs that are threatened by a wound. We can also minimize scarring.

Conditions and treatments

Helping wounds heal, restoring peace of mind

Wounds come in many forms and can have many causes. Our expertise allows us to treat all of them. 

Each person’s situation is unique — and your treatment will be, too. We find what works best for you so that we can meet all your needs. 

Conditions we treat 

Types of wounds we treat include: 

  • Diabetic foot wounds

  • Non-healing surgical wounds 

  • Pressure injuries and ulcers 

  • Traumatic wounds 

  • Wounds associated with leg swelling 

  • Wounds related to slow blood flow to the lower extremities 

We accept physician and self-referrals and welcome patients from throughout the region.


We personalize treatment based on your wound and overall health. At your first appointment, we identify your goals of care and develop a treatment plan. Treatments we offer include: 

  • Advanced tissue products 

  • Bioengineered skin substitutes 

  • Compression wraps and stockings 

  • Hyperbaric chamber

  • Laser scar treatment 

  • Specialized dressings 

  • Surgical debridement 

  • Vacuum-assisted wound closure 

Healing challenging wounds can take time. If you come to us from out of town, we can guide you to providers in your local area. This allows you to receive most of your care close to home. You only need to return to UW Health for check-ups.

Improving wound care through research 

Doctors at UW Health look for improved ways to prevent and treat common wounds through research and clinical trials. We evaluate skin substitutes and wound healing products. As our patient, you have the chance to take part in our clinical trials. In some cases, you could be among the first to receive promising new therapies.

Meet our team

All the experts you need, focused on you

Wound care experts who participate in your care include surgeons, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and nurses. Others who could be involved include specialists in: 

  • Dermatology 

  • Endocrinology 

  • Heart care 

  • Infectious disease 

  • Interventional radiology 

  • Nutrition 

  • Orthopedic surgery 

  • Physical medicine and rehabilitation 

  • Social work and case management


Trust us in your time of need

We provide wound care through our clinics in Wisconsin and Illinois.

Patient resources

Self-care resources and information

You can learn more about wounds and wound care through these resources: