Infectious Disease | Hepatitis B Core Ab, IgM

UWHC Lab Test Details
Test NameHepatitis B Core Ab, IgM
Test Code(s)XHBCM, CORM
CPT Code(s)86705
MethodologyChemiluminescent Immunoassay
Testing SiteUniversity Hospital
Days PerformedDaily, 24 hours.
In-Lab Turnaround Time4 hours.
Stat In-Lab Turnaround TimeNot available stat.
Collection Requirements
Collection Container
Collection ContainerGold top (SST)
Also AcceptableRed cap with yellow ring (SST), Red top
Collection Volume3 mL
Pediatric Collection Volume1.5 mL
Specimen Processing Requirements
Stability Ambient

3 days

Stability Refrigerated

7 days

Stability Frozen

>7 days

Sample AnalyzedSerum
Testing Volume1 mL
Pediatric Testing Volume0.5 mL
Specimen Processing

Centrifuge. If complete barrier is not formed, transfer cell-free serum to plastic vial. Refrigerate.

Specimen Transport

Transport specimen to the laboratory. Transport with coolant pack if coming from clinic location.


Reference Interval:  Nonreactive


Interpretive Guidelines:


Nonreactive: The presence of antibody to hepatitis B core without IgM indicates past infection with hepatitis B.  Anti-hepatitis B core antibody persists for life.


Borderline:  Repeat testing if clinically warranted. 


Reactive:  The presence of IgM antibody to hepatitis B core represents acute infection or acute resolving infection.  Anti-HBc IgM generally persists for up to 6 months if the disease resolves.  In patients who have chronic HBV infection, IgM anti-HBc can persist at low levels during viral replication.  Persons with exacerbations of chronic infection can test positive for IgM anti-HBc.      


Interpretation of Hepatitis B Test Result 

Test Limitations

Results may be affected if patient has developed heterophillic antibodies due to exposure to animal based protein products.


The assay performance characteristics have not been established for cadaver specimens, heat inactivated specimens and body fluids other than serum.

Additional Information

This method is approved for diagnostic testing only.  It is not approved for screening tissue donors that fall under FDA's HCT/P requirements.