UW Health MyChart allows adults (18 and older) to:
Receive test results online
View and print selected health issues, medications, allergies and immunizations
Schedule, cancel and view appointments
Send secure electronic messages to your health care team
View bills and payments
Make payments online
Contact Customer Service for help understanding your bills
Access the above information for your children or others you care for (authorization required/age restrictions apply)
Submit a UW Health MyChart e-Visit
MyChart video visits
View notes and visit details from past visits
Complete eCheck-in
Request refills from UW Health pharmacies
View and print letters
Receive preventive care reminders
Send secure messages to your health care team including attachments
Share your health information with another provider
Request proxy access to another MyChart account
Give permission for your child 12-17 years of age to have a MyChart account. (See below for information on MyChart accounts for patients 12-17 years of age)
Sign up for MyChart
Take one of the following steps:
Sign up at mychart.uwhealth.org: Instantly activate your account by going to mychart.uwhealth.org and selecting Sign Up Now, then Sign Up Online, then 3rd Party Identity Validation. Follow the process to validate your identity. After the validation process is complete, you will be able to access your MyChart account. You may also choose U.S. Mail if you would like an activation letter mailed to your home.
Sign up at any clinic location: You can obtain an activation code at any clinic location. No appointment is needed. Ask any receptionist for assistance. For your security, photo identification is required.
MyChart app
UW Health patients can access MyChart on their iPhone and Android devices through a free application.
You must set up a MyChart account before using the app on your smartphone.
Get the app
iOS: From your device, go to the Apple Store and search "MyChart." Direct link
Android: From your device, go to Google Play and search "MyChart." Direct link
Web browser: mychart.uwhealth.org
Protect yourself from scams
UW Health takes the privacy and security of our patients’ information very seriously. Learn more about potential scams and how you can help keep your information secure.
When you need to see your UW Health provider video appointments let patients meet with their health care provider using a smartphone, tablet or computer with a webcam. It’s an easy way to get great care from the comfort of home. These video visits are scheduled with your health care provider by contacting your clinic. When appropriate, a video visit will be scheduled instead of an in-person visit.
Benefits of MyChart video appointments
All of your health care information, including upcoming appointments, are in a single, convenient location
You can test your computer, phone or tablet prior to your appointment
You can check in ahead of your appointment time
Support persons can join the video appointment, such as family, interpreters and your care team
No need to download a separate video app, just use the MyChart app
Conveniently see a provider from your home or work
Learn more about MyChart scheduled video appointments
To request proxy access
Log into your MyChart account and type in “request proxy access” in the search menu bar. Select “other accounts” to click the “request access” button. Select the appropriate proxy relationship and follow the instructions.
Biological and adoptive parents may request access to children under age 18 using an online form within MyChart; these requests are normally processed within two business days.
Licensed foster parents and court-appointed legal guardians may request access by completing a paper form (available within MyChart as you proceed through the proxy request online form) and providing additional documentation as described on the form.
To request access to another adult, such as a spouse, parent or other family member, have them grant you access from their MyChart account or complete a paper form (available within MyChart as you proceed through the proxy request online form). In most cases, access to another adult requires signatures from both parties.
In all cases, access to another person's MyChart account is strictly controlled and only granted with appropriate authorization and consent forms on file. All requests are reviewed by medical records staff and are normally processed in three to five business days.
What can you do with your access?
Once access is granted, you can access the proxy account(s) through an icon on the main navigation page, just below your profile icon by selecting the down arrow and then clicking on the name of the account you wish to access.
For children under 12 years old and adults, the experience is basically the same as your own MyChart experience — you may send messages to providers, schedule appointments, view upcoming and past appointments, pay bills, view immunization records, test results and more.
If you’d like to use the messaging feature for a proxy, make sure you send messages via the proxy account and not your own account. Also, when sending a message from your proxy account, the system identifies that message as coming from the proxy account, so the caregivers are aware that the message is coming from the proxy account.
Managing a child’s MyChart account
Parents and legal guardians can use MyChart to manage their child’s (or children’s) medical care through proxy access, but there are some things to be aware of depending on the child’s age.
Ages 11 and under: For children 11 years old and younger, parents and legal guardians can send messages to the child’s providers, schedule appointments — including well child checks, flu shots, view upcoming and past appointments, pay bills, view immunization records, test results and more.
Ages 12-17: Once a child turns 12, there are some changes to what parents can see in the child’s MyChart account. While parents can still pay bills, view immunization records and send messages to providers, certain information related to appointments and medications will be suppressed to protect the child’s privacy. Sensitive information like certain medications (including antibiotics) and test results (such as a urinalysis) are generally not available to those with proxy access. This type of information is suppressed to provide teens with a safe space to seek medical care and guidance.
Ages 18 and older: Once a child turns 18, parents no longer have access to their health record in MyChart and have to be granted access by the adult child. To initiate the request for access, log into your MyChart and type in “request proxy access” in the search menu bar. Select “other accounts” to click the “request access” button. Select the appropriate proxy relationship and follow the instructions.
UW Health MyChart allows teens to:
Receive test results online
View and print health issues
View and print medications, allergies and immunizations
View appointments
View visit details from past visits
View notes from past visits
Complete a MyChart video visit
View and print letters
Receive preventive care reminders
MyChart for Teens will not allow teens to:
Send or receive messages
Schedule or cancel appointments
Complete e-Check-in
Enrolling your teen in MyChart
Start the process from your parent/guardian MyChart account:
Log into your MyChart. Switch to the proxy account for your 12- to 17-year-old.
In the search menu field type in “Teen” and select “Teen Access.”
Read the information in the section, ‘MyChart Access for your Teen” and follow the instructions.
Our MyChart access team will review the request and respond within three to five business days. Upon approval, your 12- to 17-year-old will receive an activation code via email to setup their MyChart account.
This process can also be used to request the deactivation of a teen account.
Most general test results are automatically released to your MyChart account immediately upon being finalized.
Please be aware that you might see your results before your provider. When your provider reviews your results, they might add comments that will then trigger an update to the result in MyChart.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, please contact your clinic.
UW Health is committed to safeguarding our patients’ privacy and information. Paperless billing is a secure way for patients to view and pay their bills online. Patients don’t have to worry about the possibility of mail fraud and identity theft from sending checks or credit card information in the mail.
Other paperless billing benefits
Access: Current bills and past bills can be accessed 24 hours a day
Information: Paperless bills include the same information as paper bills
Convenience: Paperless bills reduce the amount of mail you receive and allow patients to view and pay bills in one convenient location, with less hassle
Cost savings: Paperless billing saves money on postage
Environmentally friendly: Paperless billing helps the environment by saving paper
To pay your bill using MyChart
For users on a desktop computer:
Log into your MyChart and type in “Billing Summary” in the search menu bar.
You should see the details for the amount owed with a green button that reads, "Pay Now" or a blue button that reads, "Set Up Payment Plan"
Select the "Pay Now" button and enter your payment information if you would like to pay the entire bill or a portion of it.
To set up automatic payments for the bill, select the blue button "Set Up Payment Plan" and follow the directions on the screen.
Pay as guest
You can pay bills on the MyChart website without logging in. If you have a MyChart account, you can use this option. However, when you log in to your MyChart account to pay bills, there are more features available.
To pay as a guest, go to the MyChart login page and select "Pay as Guest” under UW Health Bill Pay.
Opting out of paperless billing
In MyChart, patients can choose to receive paper bills. To receive paper bills, please do the following:
Log into your MyChart and type in “Billing Summary” in the search menu bar.
Below the bill details, you should see a sentence that reads, "If you would like to receive paper statements, you may cancel paperless billing." Select the highlighted words “cancel paperless billing.”
On the new screen that appears, click on the green button that reads "Receive Paper Statements."
For questions about billing, contact UW Health Patient Business Services at (877) 565-0505.