September 11, 2019

Autumn and winter safety checklist: Preventing falls

Loving Senior Couple On Walk Through Autumn Countryside Resting By Gate

Prevent falls this autumn and winter with a safety checklist

  • Leaves: Keep walkways and stairs free of leaves. As they accumulate or become wet, they become slippery.

  • Remove leave piles from porches, sidewalks and walkways often

  • Gutter: If you must use a ladder, make sure both feet and at least one hand are on the ladder.

  • Footwear: Non-skid boots ad shoes with plenty of traction can help prevent falls in wet or snowy weather.

  • Rain: Puddles and other wet surfaces can be hazardous. Consider rescheduling outings if the weather is bad.

  • Snow and ice: Keep sidewalks and driveways clear of ice and snow. Apply de-icing materials such as salt to reduce ice buildup.

  • Go slow: Take your time when moving from one location to another and step carefully.

  • Handrails: Look for walkways and pathways that offer a handrail. This can help you keep your balance.

  • Keep moving: Exercise will help you move freely and maintain balance on all walking surfaces, especially wet and icy.

  • Prepare for an emergency: The unpredictable Midwest weather can sometimes lead to power failures. Keep flashlights, with charged batteries, throughout your house. It’s easy to forget where things are in the dark.

  • Don’t be shy: Ask for help. Many family members, neighbors and community groups would be happy to help you with those autumn and winter chores.