
Helping you reduce pain, function well and live life fully

Physical and occupational therapists at UW Health help you live your life the way you want to live it.

We work to improve your strength, range of motion and movement. We also make it easier for you to do everyday tasks.

We treat people of all ages recovering from serious illness, injury or surgery. We also work with people just hoping to have less pain and be better able to function. Our services may help you reduce the need for pain medication or surgery. We can help you live a more active life on your terms.


Care for your specific needs

Meeting your needs with specialized care

Our therapists often specialize in certain types of care. They work with people with specific needs through our specialty programs.

Guided exercise in our warm water pools is sometimes easier for people who find it difficult to move on land. It may be especially helpful for people with problems affecting their neck, spine, arms, legs and feet. Before you begin aquatic physical therapy, you will be evaluated on land prior to the first aquatic session.

Dizziness and balance issues can put your health and safety at risk. We have physical therapists that specialize in vestibular rehab and neurological physical therapy. They can look into the cause of these disorders and develop a treatment plan to help you become steadier.

People with hand, arm and shoulder injuries benefit from our Hand and Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Program. Certified occupational hand therapists offer several services that help you regain function and return to activities that are important to you.

Hand and upper extremity therapy

Our Inpatient Rehabilitation Program provides therapy services during a hospital stay. We may continue with outpatient therapy once you’re discharged.

UW Health Rehabilitation Hospital

Lymphedema refers to swelling in your arm or leg that occurs when lymph — fluid that’s part of your immune system — doesn’t drain well. It sometimes happens after cancer treatment. It may also be present at birth or have other causes.

Venous edema is a problem with your veins. It causes similar symptoms to lymphedema, and we may treat it similarly. Our certified hand occupational therapists have special training in both conditions.

Our Neurological Therapy and Neuromuscular Retraining Program is for people with conditions that affect their nervous system. These include stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury and more.

We provide physical and occupational therapy programs for kids through our Pediatric Rehabilitation Program.

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Therapists within our Pelvic Floor Disorders Program treat conditions such as pain, incontinency and bowel and bladder issues. These disorders may be tied to problems with muscles and other tissues located in the lower pelvis.

If you’ve had an amputation, staff in our Prosthetic Rehabilitation Program helps you regain your mobility and independence.

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Staff in our Spine Physical Therapy Program treat back and neck pain that interferes with everyday life.

Injuries affect all types of people who enjoy sports, from competitive athletes to those who pursue their favorite activities on the weekend. Our sports rehabilitation team focuses on injury prevention and after surgery rehabilitation. We also offer sports specific programs and programs for aging and tactical athletes. Our therapists will help get you back to whatever sport or activity you love.

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Conditions and treatments

Overcoming illness, injury and disability

Our therapists treat a wide range of conditions. Their goal is always the same — to help you be as mobile, pain-free and independent as possible.

Conditions we treat 

Conditions we commonly treat include:

  • Aging-related difficulties 

  • Amputation 

  • Arthritis 

  • Back or neck pain

  • Bone, tendon, ligament and muscle injuries 

  • Cerebral palsy 

  • Concussions

  • Degenerative diseases of the nervous system 

  • Developmental disorders 

  • Dizziness and balance instability

  • Hand and upper extremity injuries and conditions

  • Joint replacement

  • Lymphedema 

  • Meniere’s disease  

  • Motion sickness 

  • Nerve injury 

  • Neuromuscular diseases 

  • Nonverbal learning disorders

  • Pelvic floor disorders, including incontinence and constipation 

  • Scoliosis 

  • Spinal cord injury 

  • Spondylolisthesis 

  • Sports Injuries

  • Stenosis 

  • Stroke 

  • Venous edema 

  • Vertigo 

  • Vestibular dysfunction 

  • Weakness and deconditioning 

  • Whiplash 

  • Wounds


Treatments we offer include:

  • Compression bandages and edema control garments 

  • Desensitization and sensory reeducation 

  • Fall prevention programs 

  • Fluidotherapy 

  • Guided exercise programs 

  • Iontophoresis 

  • Joint mobilization 

  • Massage 

  • Neuromuscular retraining 

  • Pain management 

  • Patient and family education 

  • Splinting 

  • Strengthening and range of motion programs 

  • Ultrasound therapy 

  • Wound and skin care

Meet our team

Moving you toward better health

All our physical and occupational therapists are highly trained and experienced. We base your care on the most up-to-date research and use the most advanced technology and treatments. We’ll help you get back to living the life you want to live.


Conveniently located clinics

We serve you at clinics in Madison and Middleton. Make a physical therapy appointment through Direct Access. Appointments with an occupational therapist require a doctor’s referral. If you're looking for care for children, visit pediatric rehabilitation.

Patient resources

Guidelines, forms and policies

Before your first appointment we ask that your complete certain forms. Locate the type of therapy you’ll be receiving, then print the appropriate forms. Please fill them out and bring them to the appointment with you.

Hand and upper extremity rehabilitation

Lymphedema rehabilitation

Neurological rehabilitation

Orthopedic rehabilitation

Pediatric occupational therapy

Pediatric physical therapy

Pelvic floor rehabilitation

Spine physical therapy

Sports rehabilitation