Charles Pearce, MD

  • Med Flight


As a specialty-trained emergency medicine physician, Charles Pearce, MD, works with a dedicated team of health care professionals to care for and transport by helicopter critically ill and injured patients of all ages, using the most advanced technology available. The team of nurses, respiratory therapists, and skilled pilots care for patients with a wide range of conditions requiring specialized care.   
Dr. Pearce is proud to be a physician with UW Health Med Flight — the only air medicine program in the upper Midwest to fly with a physician routinely on board.  

Dr. Pearce is dedicated to providing the highest quality care to each patient, no matter their life-threatening illness or injury. He attentively and compassionately listens to and treats each patient using the most advanced medical care available in a helicopter or ambulance. 

Languages spoken
  • English
University affiliation

Education & credentials

Board certifications
  • Emergency Medicine
Medical School
  • Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL
  • McGaw Medical Center, Chicago, IL
  • McGaw Medical Center, Chicago, IL