Gina LeMense, OT

  • Occupational Therapy


Gina LeMense, OT, is a registered occupational therapist at UW Health. She treats patients with upper extremity (shoulder to hand) injuries and orthopedic conditions.

Gina works with patients who have undergone surgery and those who are self-managing their conditions. She specializes in caring for patients with arthritis, tendinitis, fractures and complex traumatic injuries.

Gina takes a holistic approach to care and considers the whole person when developing a treatment plan, instead of only focusing solely on their diagnosis. She listens to her patients in order to address their individual needs and offers conservative therapy strategies for patients who want to avoid invasive procedures.

In her free time, Gina enjoys spending time outdoors, traveling, cooking and spending time with friends and family.

I was drawn to this field where I can make an impactful difference in improving my patients’ quality of life.

Languages spoken
  • English

Education & credentials

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

Areas of expertise