Jacqueline McGinley, PA

  • Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery


Jacqueline McGinley, PA, is a UW Health Kids physician assistant specializing in pediatric cardiothoracic (heart, blood vessel and lung) surgery.

Jacqueline works with the surgical team to treat children with a variety of heart, lung, chest and esophageal (the tube between the mouth and the stomach) disorders. She primarily cares for young patients born with heart defects and those who need heart surgery. She provides comprehensive support before, during and after their procedures.

Jacqueline recognizes the importance of high-quality care over time and helps her patients through every phase of their treatment and recovery. She provides patients and their families with the most up-to-date information available to help them make informed treatment decisions. Jacqueline looks forward to helping her young patients get back to living happy, healthy lives.

In her free time, Jacqueline enjoys hiking with her golden retriever, Luna.

I’m dedicated to providing consistent, continuous care for my patients during every stage of their treatment and recovery.

Languages spoken
  • English
University affiliation

Education & credentials

  • Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Worcester, MA