Julie Slattery, NP

  • Pediatric Palliative Care Medicine

Julie Slattery, NP, is a UW Health Kids nurse practitioner in pediatric palliative care. Julie provides supportive care to babies and children who have chronic (long-term), complex conditions.

As a palliative care nurse practitioner, Julie focuses on the goals of care or treatment, symptoms management and the child’s quality of life. She works closely with her patients’ families and caregivers to provide the physical and emotional support needed to help children endure a range of complex health conditions and diseases. Her care philosophy is to meet each child and family where they are to maximize quality of life.

Outside of work, Julie enjoys reading, biking, practicing yoga and spending time with family.

I entered my profession to help children meet their greatest potential, no matter what they are being seen or treated for.

Languages spoken
  • English
University affiliation
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI