Kari Weier, NP

  • Pediatric Diabetes
Kari Weier, NP


Kari Weier, NP, is a UW Health Kids nurse practitioner specializing in pediatric hematology and oncology.

Kari cares for children of all ages with blood disorders and blood cancers. She also sees patients for benign (non-cancerous) conditions like sickle cell anemia and malignant (cancerous) diseases like leukemia. She specializes in helping patients with sickle cell anemia and those going through bone marrow transplants.

Kari deeply admires the resiliency of children and strives to support them as they face a challenging diagnosis. Understanding the importance of feeling valued and included in the decision-making process, she collaborates with families to create tailored care plans. She looks forward to walking alongside her patients on their journeys and helping them return to happy, healthy lives.

In her free time, Kari enjoys hiking and exploring the outdoors with her kids and dog.

Even in their toughest moments, my patients find ways to make me smile. My hope for each of my patients is that they live the best day they can, every day.

Languages spoken
  • English
University affiliation

Education & credentials

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

Areas of expertise