Karl Fry, PT

  • Physical Therapy
  • Pediatric Physical Therapy

Karl Fry, DPT, has a doctorate in physical therapy and is a UW Health physical therapist with advanced expertise in sports rehabilitation. He evaluates and treats sports injuries to the elbow, ankle, foot, spine and shoulder.

Karl offers physical therapies for athletes of all ages, sporting interests and skill levels. He specializes in treating overhead athletes — players who routinely use overhead upper-arm motions. Certain sports such as baseball, softball, tennis or volleyball involve repetitive overhead motions, including pitching, throwing or striking, that raise the risk of shoulder injuries.

Karl offers biomechanical evaluations to assess motions that can lead to stress-related muscle and tissue injuries. He provides targeted manual therapies and other treatments to prevent or treat shoulder injuries.

Athletes who need or are recovering from surgical and non-surgical treatments might see Karl for therapies to strengthen affected muscles, tendons and joints. He talks with patients about tailored goals and therapies needed to safely return to their favorite sports and activities. Karl’s care philosophy is to treat each patient with respect, dignity and kindness. He believes making every person feel special can help lead to better care.

Karl also researches how biomechanics can affect injury risk and performance in overhead sports such as baseball and softball.

Sports therapies can be challenging, but it’s also rewarding to see progress and improvements in an athlete’s mental and physical health.

Languages spoken
  • English
  • Massachusetts General Hospital, Institute of Health Professions, Boston, MA