Kelsey Marshall, PA

  • General Surgery
Kelsey Marshall, PA


Kelsey Marshall, PA, is a UW Health physician assistant specializing in general surgery.

Kelsey treats adults and children who’ve suffered many types of burns and skin injuries. These include chemical and electrical burns or burns caused by contact with hot surfaces, liquid or flames. She treats traumatic wounds caused by sudden injuries, diabetic foot wounds and hard-to-heal surgical wounds.

Kelsey sees patients in both the hospital and outpatient clinic. She provides immediate care and uses state-of-the-art treatments designed to reduce pain and help wounds heal. Kelsey also sees patients during follow-up appointments. She closely monitors their burns and wounds and makes recommendations to assist with the healing process.

When meeting with patients, Kelsey listens closely to their concerns. She explains their treatment options and works to create care plans that her patients are willing to follow. Kelsey also tries to make sure her patients understand their care plans before they leave the clinic.

Away from work, Kelsey enjoys living on a farm, biking, baking and reading.

I work to help my patients’ wounds heal successfully so that they feel better and can return to their normal lives.

Languages spoken
  • English
University affiliation

Education & credentials

  • University of Colorado, Aurora, CO

Areas of expertise