Kerry Gardner, PA

  • Orthopedic Surgery
Kerry Gardner, PA

Kerry Gardner, PA, is a UW Health physician assistant in orthopedic surgery. Kerry cares for patients with a wide variety of orthopedic conditions. She specializes in foot and ankle injuries and disorders.

Kerry commonly works with high school athletes with acute (sudden) sports injuries and elderly patients with both injuries and disorders that require surgical treatment. She works closely with UW Health orthopedic surgeons to treat ankle and foot fractures, Achilles tendon ruptures, sports injuries and chronic ankle and foot pain due to injury or other health conditions such as arthritis.

As a former athlete, Kerry can relate to many of her patients on a personal level. She uses a patient-focused approach to care, listening to her patients’ post-treatment goals to understand what’s important to them. She keeps her patients informed at each stage of the recovery process and provides resources and support to address both their physical and emotional needs.

In her free time, Kerry enjoys exercising, playing basketball and golf and spending time with family and friends.

It’s fulfilling to witness someone who couldn’t walk, recover and regain their mobility again.

Languages spoken
  • English
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI