Kristine Beyer, PA

  • General Surgery
Kristine Beyer, PA

Kristine Beyer is a UW Health physician assistant. She specializes in treating patients who have burns and wounds. She sees patients in the clinic setting and provides inpatient consultations for those admitted to the hospital.

When first meeting a patient, Kristine strives to understand how the injury or burn occurred. By listening to her patients carefully, she can then develop personalized treatment plans that they can implement at home. Her goal is to develop care plans that maximize quality of life and ensure the highest level of healing for her patients.

In her free time, Kristine enjoys spending time outside with her family and her dog.

The most rewarding part of my job is seeing a patient heal, knowing I made a difference in their life, and helping them through a really challenging and painful experience.

Languages spoken
  • English
University affiliation
  • Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI