Laura Dhanansayan, PA, is a UW Health physician assistant in orthopedics. Laura specializes in sports medicine. She treats patients with pain related to sports injuries, general injuries, arthritis and other conditions that cause joint pain. Laura also treats patients with acute (sudden) injuries, including rotator cuff tears and ACL tears.
It’s very rewarding for Laura to see her patients improve. She understands that no two patients are the same, so she creates individualized treatment plans based on their needs and goals. Laura involves her patients in determining the best options for their care plan.
Laura’s care philosophy is to treat her patients how she would want someone to care for her family members.
My hope for my patients is for them to receive personalized care and achieve their best possible outcome.
Languages spoken
- English
University affiliation
East Madison Hospital Sports Medicine Clinic
Science Dr Medical Center Sports Medicine Clinic
- University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI