Lindsay Corder, NP

  • Geriatrics (Inpatient Hospitalist)

Lindsay Corder, NP, is a UW Health nurse practitioner. Lindsay specializes in geriatrics and helps care for older adults who are spending time in the hospital. She commonly cares for people with age-related changes, including delirium, dementia, depression and falls. Lindsay has special interests in treating older adults experiencing behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia and supporting their caregivers.

Lindsay is passionate about making hospital care more person-centered. In addition to providing in-patient care, she assists with the transition back to the community by involving loved ones and outpatient providers in her patients’ care plan.  She also works with patients to combat polypharmacy, reducing the use of multiple medications when the negative side effects outweigh the benefits.

In her free time, Lindsay enjoys traveling and spending time with her family.

I enjoy getting to know my patients and personalizing care to meet their needs and goals, providing tools and knowledge so they can have ownership over their care.

Languages spoken
  • English
University affiliation
  • Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI