Meghan Phillips, NP

  • Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery
Meghan Phillips, NP


Meghan Phillips, NP, is a UW Health Kids nurse practitioner in pediatric orthopedics.

Meghan cares for children and teens with injuries and medical issues involving the musculoskeletal system — the bones, muscles, joints and ligaments. These conditions include bone fractures, scoliosis (an abnormal curve in the spine) and gait abnormalities (problems with how the child walks). Meghan’s special clinical interest is treating fractures.

With a natural flair for pediatrics, Meghan listens closely to her young patients’ concerns. She recognizes that many children are nervous and in pain, so she reassures them and works to make their experience as lighthearted as possible. Meghan also makes a point to give older children the opportunity to speak for themselves and ask questions. In all cases, she tries to involve patients and families in decision-making. Together, they create care plans that treat their medical issues and fit their needs.

Meghan sees children in the clinic and hospital settings.

During her free time, Meghan enjoys cooking, traveling, hiking and walking her dog.

I love working with children. It’s rewarding to treat their injuries, help them recover and watch them carry on with everyday life.

Languages spoken
  • English

Education & credentials

  • Edgewood College, Madison, WI