Peter Levonian, MS, CGC

  • Genetic Counseling


Peter Levonian, MS, CGC, is a genetic counselor at UW Health where he also serves as the director. He helps patients and families understand and evaluate the risks, potential impact and treatment options for inherited diseases and disorders. He has a special interest and advanced expertise in oncology (cancer) genetics and inherited cancers within families.

Peter’s specialties include genomics (studying a person’s genes) and hereditary genetic testing. He evaluates test results to assess an individual’s inherited risk of specific cancers and other diseases.

As a highly trained and skilled genetic counselor, Peter helps patients and families understand the health and emotional risks and effects of inherited conditions. He educates and guides individuals and families regarding available treatment options and ways to help manage their risk.

I’m humbled to see the often-profound impact of hereditary cancers within families and honored to see the advances that can help.

Languages spoken
  • English

Education & credentials

  • University of California - Irvine, Irvine, CA

Areas of expertise