Rana Leer Haupt, PA

  • Spine Medicine
Rana Leer Haupt, PA


Rana Leer Haupt, PA, is a UW Health physician assistant in orthopedic spine surgery. She provides care for younger and older adults who need spinal surgery.

Rana works with patients with a wide range of spinal issues that require surgical treatment, including cancer and trauma. She educates patients about their surgical options and explains what to expect from the surgical process. She also prepares patients physically and emotionally before surgery, assists during procedures and provides follow-up care after procedures.

Because Rana believes in empowering patients, she uses shared decision-making with them to determine personalized care plans. She listens to their concerns and goals and offers information and tools to ease any anxiety they might be experiencing.

In her free time, Rana enjoys playing paddleball and tennis and downhill skiing.

It’s very rewarding to help patients who are struggling get their lives back.

Languages spoken
  • English

Education & credentials

  • St. Francis University, Loretta, PA

Areas of expertise