Samantha Lorenz, PA, MPH

  • Colon and Rectal Surgery
Samantha Lorenz, PA


Samantha Lorenz, PA, MPH, is a UW Health physician assistant specializing in colorectal surgery. She cares for patients before and after surgical procedures for a variety of conditions affecting the colon and rectum.

Samantha provides pre- and post-surgical care for patients who have had procedures to remove parts of the colon because of cancer or inflammatory bowel disease. She also cares for patients who have benign (noncancerous) conditions such as hemorrhoids (swollen veins affecting the rectum and anus) and abscesses (infected pus pockets).

Samantha believes in being fully transparent when speaking with patients and involves them and their families in the decision-making process. She listens carefully to their concerns and makes sure they understand all their treatment options before making a choice about their care.

In her free time, Samantha enjoys reading and teaching yoga.

The most rewarding part of my work is making connections and learning about my patients.

Languages spoken
  • English

Education & credentials

  • Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL

Areas of expertise