Samantha Spanbauer, NP

  • Medical Oncology
Samantha Spanbauer, NP


Samantha Spanbauer, NP, is a UW Health nurse practitioner in medical oncology.

Samantha cares for people with breast cancer, starting from their initial diagnosis and continuing throughout treatments, surgery and beyond.

When talking with patients, Samantha carefully explains their conditions and outlines treatment options. She offers helpful information about chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, clinical trials and other therapies that doctors recommend. With care and compassion, Samantha listens closely to each patient’s concerns and answers every question. She believes it’s important to give patients a full picture of what to expect so they can make the best decisions for their care.

One of Samantha’s special interests is helping people manage treatment side effects and other life changes they may experience after a breast cancer diagnosis. She works to help her patients recover and live the best possible quality of life.

During her free time, Samantha enjoys biking, reading and traveling.

A cancer diagnosis is challenging. I help patients fight cancer and live their highest possible quality of life.

Languages spoken
  • English
University affiliation

Education & credentials

  • University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN