Shawna Wheeler, PA

  • Orthopedic Surgery
Shawna Wheeler, PA


Shawna Wheeler, PA, is a UW Health physician assistant specializing in orthopedic bone health. She cares for patients with bone trauma such as hip, pelvis or arm fractures and other bone injuries and disorders.

Shawna treats patients of all ages, including older patients with osteoarthritis (a breakdown of joint cartilage) and osteoporosis, which weakens bones and increases the risk of fractures.

As part of the orthopedic bone health team, Shawna works closely with trauma specialists and other experts to guide patients’ recovery. She addresses their questions, concerns and treatment goals. She educates them about their condition and the latest therapies and various options to help them heal and restore function. Through preventive education, Shawna helps patients reduce fracture risks, increase bone health and improve general health and wellness.

Outside of work, Shawna enjoys purchasing, staining and upcycling wood furniture.

I help patients understand important information so that they can lower fracture risks and make informed decisions about their care.

Languages spoken
  • English

Education & credentials

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI