Eggs are removed from a woman’s ovaries and inseminated. The resulting embryos can be transferred to the patient’s uterus or that of a gestational carrier.

As with any medical procedure, there are certain risks involved and pregnancy is not a guaranteed result. Your physician will discuss the IVF procedure and its risks with you.

A woman normally produces one egg per month. Fertility drugs tell the ovaries to produce several eggs.

A minor surgery called follicular aspiration is done to remove the eggs from the women’s body. The doctor will then use ultrasound to guide a thin needle through the vagina and into the ovary and sacs containing the eggs. Using a suction devise the eggs and fluid will be pulled out of each sac.

Sperm is placed with the best quality eggs and stored in a controlled chamber. The mixing of the sperm and eggs is called insemination.

When the fertilize egg divides, it becomes an embryo. The best embryos are used for embryo transfer.

This can be done when a couple has a high probability of a child inheriting a genetic condition. It is done 3-4 days after fertilization by removing a single cell from each embryo and screening the material for genetic disorders.

Three to five days after the egg retrieval, the embryo will be implanted. This is done in our clinic while the patient is awake. The doctor inserts a thin tube containing the embryos into the womb. If the embryo sticks in the lining of the womb and grows, pregnancy results.

After the embryo transfer, rest could be recommended for remainder of the day. Most woman return to normal activities the next day. The hormone progesterone will be taken for 8-10 weeks. This hormone is produced naturally by the ovaries and helps thicken the lining of the uterus.

About 12-14 days after the embryo transfer, a pregnancy test will be done.

As you begin planning for your fertility care, we recommend these three steps:

  1. Contact your insurance provider and review your plan's cover

  2. Meet with a fertility care specialist for an initial consultation. We can determine if diagnostic testing is needed and help you decide what treatment options are appropriate for your situation. If you have already had some testing or treatment, bring the results along to your appointment so we avoid repeating any unnecessary steps.

  3. Meet with a financial counselor to review costs for the tests and treatments you are considering and help you make the most of insurance coverage if it is available to you. Call (608) 824-6188 or (888) 474-3933 to schedule a consult.

Average price range when no insurance coverage (not including medications, subject to change without notice):

  • $275-$525: Initial consultation w/specialist

  • $85: Semen testing, count and motility

  • $229: Semen testing, complete analysis

  • $305: Ultrasound

  • $12,325-$13,825: In vitro fertilization (IVF)

Note: If you would like to have certain diagnostic or monitoring procedures completed by your primary care provider, just let us know. We are happy to coordinate this on your behalf to make the process easy, convenient and seamless for all involved.

Insurance and fertility treatments

Many insurance companies do not cover the cost of fertility treatments. Prior to beginning any services, we recommend you check with your insurance provider to determine coverage and whether any prior authorizations are required.

Once you have established fertility care with one of our physicians, our Financial Counselor can assist you with any necessary authorizations you may need.

Competitive pricing

The cost of fertility treatments can be challenging. We are committed to providing not only competitive pricing, but also excellent value when caring for patients. Generations Fertility Care offers options to help you manage the financial aspects of treatment.

Financial assistance for cancer patients

Generations partners with LIVESTRONG Fertility to provide cancer patients with discounted fertility care options. An online application and other details are available on the LIVESTRONG website. If you have questions, please contact LIVESTRONG at (855) 220-7777.

Infertility medication

Some fertility treatments include self-administered, prescription medications that can be ordered online or through the mail. Here are a few reliable, reasonably priced sources you might want to consider in addition to your local pharmacy. You might find it helpful to contact several pharmacies and compare prices prior to your treatment.

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    • Exterior of UW Health Generations Fertility Care clinic
      Exterior of UW Health Generations Fertility Care clinic
      Generations Fertility Care
      • 2365 Deming Way / Middleton, WI
      • (608) 824-6160