Mini ALIF: A minimally invasive treatment for lower back pain

UW Health offers a minimally-invasive procedure that can help people return to a life they have missed. Our team of surgeons work together to perform a customized procedure that results in less pain and faster recovery that conventional back surgery.

If you are living with pain from lower back or nerve conditions, the minimally invasive anterior lumbar interbody fusion surgery — or mini ALIF — may bring relief. The mini ALIF treats pain caused by common lower back problems that do not respond to other nonsurgical treatments.

All of these conditions can narrow the spinal canal and put pressure on the nerves. A shrinking spinal canal from spinal stenosis can also be present with each condition. Spinal stenosis leads to instability and nerve compression that causes pain in the buttocks or legs.

When your doctor believes a spinal fusion is necessary, the mini ALIF can be considered. At UW Health, our spine surgeons often use the mini ALIF because of its overall effectiveness and rapid recovery.

Is this surgery right for you? 

Your doctor might recommend the mini ALIF if you do not get pain relief from treatments such as medications, injections or physical therapy.

Seth Williams, UW Health spine surgeon, and Jon Matsumura, UW Health vascular surgeon, explain more about mini ALIF.

Working together, spine and vascular surgeons:

  • Make a small incision in your lower abdomen

  • Access your spine while protecting blood vessels and checking blood flow

  • Remove the damaged disc

  • Insert a titanium cage and bone graft to replace the disc that was removed

  • May use medical screws to stabilize your spine

The cage restores the original disc height and helps fuse the vertebrae on either side of the disc. If medical screws are needed, the surgeons make two small incisions on your back to place the screws.

Your recovery and success after surgery 

You can expect to spend one or two nights in the hospital after a mini ALIF. 

You build strength after surgery by walking for therapy. You should be able to walk for several miles a month after surgery. You can return to desk or light duty work within a week or two.

While you need to avoid heavy lifting, bending or twisting for about three months, you should be ready to return to your normal activities in about six months.

About 90 percent of mini ALIF patients at UW Health report big improvements and minimal pain after surgery.

Watch Andrea’s story
Watch Lisa’s story
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  • East Madison Hospital Spine Medicine Clinic
    • 4602 Eastpark Blvd / Madison, WI
    • (608) 265-3207
  • Science Dr Medical Center Spine Medicine Clinic
    • 621 Science Dr / Madison, WI
    • (608) 265-3207

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