Swimmers clinic: Helping you achieve maximum results

UW Health Sports Medicine's Sports Rehabilitation program offers a Swimmers Clinic that uses video-based biomechanical evaluations to address swimming injuries and improve swimming performance.

UW Health Sports Rehabilitation uses Stroke View, a four-camera system that allows for simultaneous underwater and over-water video capture from multiple angles. Stroke View has a 22-inch monitor on the pool deck for immediate review and feedback. This comprehensive biomechanical analysis allows for identification of stroke faults that may be causing pain/injury or limiting performance.

Watch to learn more about the Swimmers Clinic

Biomechanical video swimming evaluation is used in combination with musculoskeletal examination to address injuries and performance issues. The injury evaluation includes:

  • A review of swimming training, injury and performance

  • A physical examination including strength, flexibility, posture and alignment

  • Clinical testing of injuries

  • Video analysis of swimming biomechanics

  • A treatment plan which may include drills to correct stroke flaws, training recommendations, and/or exercises to normalize strength, flexibility and posture

All test findings will be reviewed immediately following the examination.

The Sports Rehabilitation program uses biomechanical swimming evaluation and other measures to improve swimming performance or prevent future injury. The performance evaluation includes:

  • A screening examination of strength, flexibility and posture that may affect swimming biomechanics

  • Video analysis of swimming biomechanics

  • Drills and training recommendations to improve mechanics and performance

The 60-minute sessions cost $199.

Performance Group Training sessions allow a maximum of 3 individuals to work with our Performance Swim Provider. These sessions can be used for technique or training. Technique can be evaluated by underwater and over-water cameras, reaction pads, touch pads and an underwater mirror. Training sessions can include speed assisted, resisted, power, aerobic and race pace training.

The 60-minute sessions cost $150, which can be split by the participants.

Displaying 4 of 4
  • Science Dr Medical Center Sports Rehabilitation Clinic
    • 621 Science Dr / Madison, WI
    • (608) 263-4765
  • East Madison Hospital Sports Rehabilitation Clinic
    • 4602 Eastpark Blvd / Madison, WI
    • (608) 440-6444