
How we can help

A firm, toned tummy isn’t always easy to get. Heredity, childbirth, weight loss and aging can all cause sagging belly skin that affects your appearance. At Transformations, we offer tummy tucks to tighten and reshape your abdomen.

About the treatment

What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck is also known as abdominoplasty. It’s a surgery that removes excess skin and fat from your middle and lower abdomen. It also tightens the muscles of your abdominal wall. All of this can help flatten your abdomen and narrow your waistline.

Who should consider a tummy tuck? 

We do tummy tucks on men and women. The procedure works best for those who are in good health and have a body mass index (BMI) of 28 or less. If you intend to lose weight or hope to have more children, your doctor might recommend postponing the procedure. 

What is the cost? 

Treatment is personalized. The cost of your procedure will depend on the extent of the work we do. We can provide more details about your cost during your consultation.

Treatment process

Helping you feel good at your core

If you’re interested in a tummy tuck, you first meet with a doctor for a consultation. We talk with you about the procedure and your expectations. We also come up with a personalized treatment plan based on your goals.


Surgery can take 2-3 hours. We do it under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. Depending on your situation, you may be hospitalized or return home the same day. Generally, surgery includes these steps:

  1. 01.
    Your surgeon makes an incision

    The incision will be above your pubic area. Its length depends on how much extra skin you have. Although the incision creates a scar, the scar is usually covered by undergarments or a bathing suit. Your doctor might need to make another incision near your navel if you have excess skin in your upper abdomen that will be removed.

  2. 02.
    Your abdominal muscles are exposed

    The doctor lifts the skin and fat that rest above your abdominal wall. This allows access to the muscles beneath.

  3. 03.
    The surgeon pulls your abdominal muscles together

    The muscles are sutured to hold them tight and flatten your abdomen.

  4. 04.
    The surgeon pulls down your skin

    All of your muscles will be covered again.

  5. 05.
    A new belly button is created

    The surgeon sutures it into position.

  6. 06.
    The surgeon trims excess skin

    Any skin and fat that goes beyond the original incision site after it’s pulled back down is cut away.

  7. 07.
    The surgeon closes and bandages your incisions

    Temporary drainage tubes might be left in place to allow excess fluid to escape.

What to expect during your recovery

As with any surgery, a tummy tuck has some risks. These include blood clots, infection, bleeding under the skin flap and poor healing. These could lead to scars, skin loss or the need for additional surgery. Our team does everything possible to reduce these risks and keep you safe. 

You might have some pain, swelling, bruising or tiredness. These are only temporary. You can usually return to work within two to four weeks. In most cases, you can resume exercise within four to six weeks.

Meet our team

Expertise produces excellent results

When it comes to cosmetic surgery, experience matters. Our surgeons are experts in their field. They have the knowledge, skill and proven track records to provide you with the highest level of treatment available. You’ll get exceptional care in a private, comfortable setting.


Helping uncover the true you

Our services are offered through the Transformations Clinic and Transformations Surgery Center. Call (608) 836-9990 or (866) 447-9990.

Patient support and services

More resources

You can learn more about tummy tucks through these resources.

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