Contact us

If you have a general question or concern (not about your personal medical care), scroll down to find the right place to call or submit your comment.

How can we assist you?

Your inquiry will be routed so that the appropriate UW Health representative may respond.

If you are experiencing a life- or limb-threatening emergency, call 911. If your need is urgent, call your clinic for assistance.

Are you looking for a clinic phone number or location?

Go to our Clinics and Hospitals search to find your clinic.

Please do not share personal health information or submit urgent questions about your medical care through email or this website.

UW Health Patient Relations answers questions and helps resolve any concerns about services at any UW Health clinic or hospital. Patient Relations staff are also able to document and share compliments about services you have received.

Contact Patient Relations

For care received in Illinois

For care received in Wisconsin

Learn more

UW Health takes the privacy and security of our patients’ information very seriously. Learn more about recent scams and how you can keep your information secure.

To contact your clinic, please visit our Locations and clinics search for the clinic phone number.

What you need to know

Our staff can help you choose a primary care provider (PCP) from an Illinois or Wisconsin clinic for all members of your family. Please verify with your insurance plan that UW Health providers are in your plan’s network.

For care in Illinois:

We have hundreds of providers all over northern Illinois. Our Provider Access Center staff can help you find the providers that best fits your needs. Call (779) 696-7444.

For care in Wisconsin:

Contact the Welcome Center by phone at (608) 821-4819. You can also complete our brief Find a Primary Doctor form.

Learn more about finding a UW Health provider

For inquiries about hotel accommodations and special rates in Wisconsin: Submit a question

Technical support: (877) 768-0732

Note: Technical support representatives do not have access to patient medical information. For questions about information provided by your clinic (i.e., test results, appointments), please contact your care provider.

Learn more about UW Health MyChart

Pay your bills via MyChart: If you have a MyChart account, log in. Users can set up payment plans or save credit cards for easier transactions.

Not a MyChart user? Pay as a guest, or Request an account online

For members of the news media who would like to speak to someone in our Marketing and Communications Office, please visit our Media Center.

For questions about website content or functionality of Submit a question or comment

For problems with accessing MyChart, please call: (877) 768-0732

For security and privacy reasons, please do not submit questions about your medical care through this website. If you are experiencing a life- or limb-threatening emergency, call 911.

If your need is urgent, call your clinic for assistance.

Please use MyChart or call your clinic directly if you need to do any of the following:

  • Change or cancel your appointment

  • Ask your physician or healthcare provider a question

  • View test results

  • Access your medical records or request records be shared for a referral

For concerns related to your medical care or health care services, please contact Patient Relations