
Among the best care available

It’s easy to take your knees for granted. But a painful knee is certain to get your attention. Kicking a soccer ball or simply getting around might become next to impossible.

When a knee injury or knee pain keeps you out of the game or makes life difficult, UW Health can help. We have a team of specialists who focus on knee problems. Some are experts in sports medicine. They’ve got you covered if a chronic or sudden injury puts you on the sidelines. Others specialize in knee replacement surgery. Their expertise helps you get back to everyday activities pain free.

When you come to us, you’ll get some of the best care available. We offer a full range of treatments for knee pain and work to find the one that’s best for you.


The right treatment at the right time

Types of treatment

There are many treatments for knee pain. Sometimes more than one might help. Which one or ones are best for you depends on the problem you have and your preferences. Our providers work with you to find the treatments that will offer the most relief.

Helps lessen discomfort. May be given by mouth, on the skin or by injection.

May include guided exercise, tips on movement and pain control to help you move better.

Learn more

Corrects damaged areas of the knee. In some cases, it’s done to replace part or all of the knee joint.

Some people might not be ready or able to have knee replacement surgery. For them, we offer special programs.

Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis Clinic

The goal of this clinic is to provide treatments that help control your symptoms. These could include medication, help with lifestyle changes including weight loss, injections and more. Doctors, physical therapists, nutritionists and health psychologists might have a role in your care.

Group medical visits are also an option in the clinic. We cover topics such as nutrition, exercise and coping. You get useful advice and the support of others going through what you’re going through.

Managing your condition

A team of specialists ready to help


Knee problems or injuries often come with many symptoms. Besides pain, you might have a hard time straightening your knee. The knee could also feel warm to the touch. Other possible symptoms include:

  • Instability

  • Popping or crackling noises

  • Stiffness

  • Swelling

Knee conditions and treatments

  • Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear

  • Collateral ligament sprains

  • Dealing with knee pain

  • Fat pad impingement

  • Iliotibial band friction syndrome and greater trochanteric bursitis

  • Knee rehabilitation

  • Patellar tendinitis (Jumper’s knee)

  • Meniscal injuries

  • Meniscus tear

  • Non-surgical options for knee pain

  • Osgood-Schlatter disease

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Osteoarthritis of the knee 

  • Osteochondral injuries

  • Patellofemoral stress syndrome

  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome

  • Posterior cruciate ligament ruptures

Knee replacement procedures

  • Robotic-assisted partial knee replacement

  • Robotic-assisted total knee replacement

  • Partial knee replacement

  • Total knee replacement

Bilateral knee replacement: It is not uncommon for people to have arthritis in both knees. Depending on your situation, you might be able to have knee replacement surgery on both knees at the same time.

Outpatient knee replacement: Advancements in medical technology and pain management have made it possible for some people to have knee replacement surgery and go home on the same day. If you are in good general health, do not smoke, are motivated and have a good support team at home you might be able to have this surgery.


Education and patient stories to help you learn about your options

These resources may help you learn more about knee problems and how we treat them.

Video of knee replacement procedure

Patient stories
Lisa Steinkamp walking her dog across a crosswalk

Don't put up with the pain and lack of function. Get the new knee and enjoy more of the activities you have been missing out on.

Lisa Steinkamp
Knee replacement

Meet our team

Experts who care

We have a team of caregivers ready to help when you have knee pain. Many of them specialize in certain conditions or treatments. Their expertise helps ensure that no matter what your knee problem, you’ll get care tailored to your needs.


Quality care near you

We provide specialty orthopedic and rehabilitation care at multiple locations.

Research and clinical trials

Moving research forward

Our sports medicine research group works on ways to prevent knee injuries in athletes of all ages.  We also work to continue to refine robotic-assisted surgery techniques in joint replacement and our regenerative medicine and stem cell work may eliminate the need for joint replacements in the future.