Orthotics and prosthetics: A team of experts in orthotic and prosthetic devices

Whether you have a minor sports injury or an amputated limb, UW Health's expert team is ready to develop an orthotic or prosthetic device just for you. By keenly understanding your needs, we can get you on your way to living with less pain or greater movement.

Our specialists build orthotic and prosthetic devices to care for patients with conditions including:

  • Amputation

  • Arm, elbow, finger and hand injuries

  • Back pain

  • Foot, knee and leg injuries

  • Fractures

  • Head and skull injuries

  • Neck pain

  • Spinal pain or injuries

  • Sports injuries

  • Trauma

Orthotics and prosthetics services

We partner with your doctors and therapists to create a treatment plan that meets your goals. We teach you how to use your device. We meet with you regularly to ensure your orthosis or prosthesis works well.

Our orthotics services include:

  • Cranial remolding orthoses

  • Lower-extremity orthoses

  • Spinal orthoses

  • Upper-extremity orthoses

  • Walkaide and Bioness functional electrical stimulation

  • Custom foot orthoses

Our prosthetics services treat lower limb needs. Lower limb services include:

  • Below-knee prostheses (pin locking, suction socket, and elevated vacuum systems)

  • Partial foot and Symes prostheses

  • Cosmetic coverings and finishings

  • Knee disarticulation and above-knee prostheses (including C-Leg microprocessor knee technology)

Upper limb prosthetics services are coordinated by referral from our team to local area specialists.

We also provide prosthetic rehabilitation in partnership with your physical therapists.

UW Health Amputee Clinic, led by a physician specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation, is offered twice monthly. The clinic team includes a physician, prosthetist, physical therapist, nurse and social worker. The clinic team provides an opportunity for new or existing amputees to receive a thorough evaluation and custom treatment plan to fit their needs.

We work closely with physicians, therapists and other members of your rehabilitation team to deliver coordinated care. All our clinical specialists, technicians and support staff have the experience, expertise and compassion to provide quality care and services.

Displaying 6 of 10
  • Orthotics and Prosthetics Clinic Orthotics and Prosthetics Clinic
    • 6220 University Ave Suite 103 / Middleton, WI
    • (608) 263-0583
  • East Madison Hospital Orthotics and Prosthetics Clinic
    • 4602 Eastpark Blvd / Madison, WI
    • (608) 440-6677
  • University Ave Rehabilitation Clinic Orthotics Clinic
    • 6630 University Ave / Middleton, WI
    • (608) 263-8412

Yes, an appointment is required prior to seeing an Orthotist or Fitter. Please call (608) 263-0583 to schedule an appointment.

Do I need a prescription to receive an orthosis?

Yes. The prescription can be provided by your primary physician or specialist physicians, including podiatrists and nurse practitioners.

Your prescription should be current and is accepted three months after the date of issue.

Coverage depends on your insurance plan. It is best to check with your plan administrator prior to your appointment. Some items require you see a practitioner first so a prior authorization can be obtained. Staff at our individual clinics can help you with questions about insurance procedures. Applicable co-pays will be billed after your appointment.

The time to receive an orthosis varies depending on the type. For custom-fabricated items, we strive to deliver within 3 weeks of your evaluation.

The life of an orthosis depends on the item, usage requirements and the patient's lifestyle. All items carry warrantees against defects in materials and workmanship. Specific item warrantees can be discussed with your practitioner during your visit.

Patients who are prescribed foot or lower leg orthoses usually have to consider what kind of shoes to wear with the orthoses. Shoe style depends on the patient's diagnosis and uses of the orthoses. Most patients need a solidly-constructed athletic shoe. You may discuss your specific needs with your practitioner during your first appointment.

Your prescribing physician can best answer the question of how long you need to wear your orthoses. If you an adjustment, please call one of our clinics to schedule an appointment.

A couple walking their dog

Getting you back to the activities you enjoy

Joint pain, a broken bone or other conditions that affect how your body moves can sideline you from the activities you enjoy. Our orthopedic specialists can treat your orthopedic needs.

Learn more