Providing relief from the symptoms and stress of serious illness
When you are dealing with a serious or life-threatening condition, the palliative care team at UW Health provides care for you and your family. Our job is to work with you and your other doctors and nurses to ensure you receive the best care possible.
Our team addresses your emotional, physical and spiritual needs. We work with you at any point of a serious illness, whether you’ve just been diagnosed, are in active treatment, have completed therapy or are nearing the end of life.
Palliative care treats pain and other symptoms, supports you and your family and helps your family support you and each other. We work with adults and children. Our team stays involved in your care for as long as you need us.
Accessing care
Patients are referred to Palliative Care by their attending physicians. The Palliative Care Unit accepts patients from clinic, the emergency room or on transfer from another unit.
Conditions and treatments
Complete care at home or in the hospital
At UW Health, we provide palliative care to patients with a wide range of serious, progressive conditions.
For example, anyone with a serious illness or injury to a single organ like lung, heart, kidney or liver diseases; or diseases that affect the body more generally like dementia or cancer.
Your care team treats the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of you and your family. We do this by focusing on six major areas:
Helping you plan for the future
Helping you build coping skills
Building relationships between you and the various members of your healthcare team
Treating symptoms
Managing complications of treatment and disease
Attending to the needs of you and your chosen family
You can get palliative care at home, in the hospital or in a care setting such as a nursing home. If you receive care at home, your palliative care team works with home care and hospice specialists.
Comfort Care Unit
The Comfort Care Unit in our Madison hospital provides inpatient care to people who are near the end of life. We work hard to provide the best possible care to a patient and their family at the most difficult of times. We accept transfers from clinics, the emergency department and other hospital units.
The Comfort Care Unit provides:
Family support and resources
Open visiting hours
Options for patients to be transferred or admitted directly
Patient privacy
Quiet, soothing atmosphere
Team approach to symptom management
How we assist you, your family, caregivers and friends
Your palliative care team helps you plan for your future. We document your health care wishes and help you address financial and legal concerns.
We provide counseling and treatments for:
Fear of being a burden to family
Fear of dying
Loss of control
We also treat your symptoms, including:
Loss of appetite
Shortness of breath
Your care team also supports your caregivers, family and friends. We know it takes a lot of time and energy to provide care.
We assist families with:
Asking questions of your health care team to make sure you get the information you need
Dealing with feelings of anger, grief and guilt
Helping you with treatment decisions to ensure you get the right treatment for you
Giving medications appropriately
Identifying personal care needs
Talking about their feelings and concerns
Talking to their loved one, including knowing what to say and how to listen
Using resources for home care
Your care team alerts your family to health-related problems you may face in the future. We coordinate any services you and your family need.
Our team
Compassionate care for patients and families
When you come to UW Health and receive palliative care from our specialist team, we work with you and your doctors to determine which members of our team will be the most helpful for you. Your palliative care team may include:
Palliative Care physicians
Social workers
Our palliative care team works closely with many specialists to provide all the care and treatments you need. Your team may include services from:
Health psychology
Home health
Integrative health services
Massage therapy
Pain management
Spiritual services
Jessica Baker, MD
NeurologyBret Benally Thompson, MD
Palliative Care Medicine (Inpatient Hospitalist)William Burns, MD
Emergency MedicineToby Campbell, MD
Medical OncologyChessa Fischer, NP
Palliative Care MedicineSara Johnson, MD
Palliative Care Medicine (Inpatient Hospitalist)
Patient resources
Patient and family information and resources
The best way to learn about our palliative care program is to hear from our patients and caregivers.
Learn more about UW Health palliative care from Dr. Toby Campbell:
Palliative care locations
We offer specialized palliative care at UW Health locations in Madison, Wis. and Rockford, Ill.
University Hospital Palliative Care Medicine Clinic
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center Rockford Palliative Care Medicine Clinic