Microbiology | Helicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test

UWHC Lab Test Details
Test NameHelicobacter pylori Urea Breath Test
Test Code(s)HCHPYBT
CPT Code(s)83013, 83014
MethodologyInfrared Spectrometry
Clinical Information

A non-invasive, non-radioactive method for detecting current H. pylori infection. Test is not acceptable for patients under the age of 3 yr. For patients under the age of 3, see H. pylori Ag, stool.

Testing SiteUniversity Hospital
Days PerformedMon-Fri, dayshift.
In-Lab Turnaround Time1 - 3 days.
Stat In-Lab Turnaround TimeNot available stat.
Collection Requirements
Patient Preparation

See Health Facts for You, "Urea Breath Test Instructions".

  • Inform the patient that the Citrica Solution contains phenylalanine. Patients with Phenylketonuria disease (PKU) need to restrict dietary phenylalanine.
  • The patient should fast and abstain from smoking for at least one hour prior to and during administration of the BreathID UBT.
  • Test is contraindicated for patients that have taken antimicrobials or bismuth preparations two weeks prior to administering the BreathID UBT.
  • For test of cure, perform test at least 4 weeks after completion of therapy to avoid false negative tests.
Collection Container
Collection ContainerBreathID BASELINE bag (blue)/POST Ingestion Citrica Solution bag (gray)
Collection Instructions

Samples may be collected in the University Hospital Outpatient lab, University Health Services lab, Junction Road Lab, East Clinic Lab and DHC Lab. For UH inpatients, call the UH Outpatient lab at (608)263-6033 to schedule the collection with a phlebotomist. A baseline breath sample is collected and then a post-dose breath sample is collected 15 minutes after ingestion of Citrica Solution.  

Collection instructions are available from the laboratory. Contact phlebotomy at (608)263-6033.

Specimen Processing Requirements
Stability Ambient

14 days

Stability Refrigerated

Not acceptable

Stability Frozen

Not acceptable

Sample AnalyzedSee collection instructions.
Specimen Transport

Transport specimen to the laboratory. Do not refrigerate or freeze the bags.

Unacceptable Criteria

Bags that are not fully inflated are not acceptable. If only one of the two bags is submitted the sample is not acceptable.  Bags that are not capped are not acceptable.


Test is not acceptable for patients under the age of 3 yr. For patients under the age of 3 the H. pylori stool antigen is recommended.

Expected Results

3 years and up: Negative

Test Limitations

A set of pre/post-ingestion breath bags will be accepted once every 5 days.


The performance characteristics for patients under the age of 3 have not been established for this test.


Patient must be off these drug(s) for at least 2 weeks prior to testing: 

  • Antimicrobial agents (antibiotics) by oral, IV, or IM administration
  • Bismuth preparations such as Pepto-Bismol®, Kaopectate®, or Helidac®.


Other known causes of false negative results include administration of the breath test less than 4 weeks after completion of therapy to eradicate H. pylori and premature or late collection of the post-ingestion sample.


Test can be performed if patient is on proton pump inhibitors or H2 blockers.  If a patient is on proton pump inhibitors or H2 blockers, a positive test can be considered positive; however, a negative test should be repeated after patient has been off proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers for 2 weeks.


Known causes of false positive results include patients with achlorhydria, the presence of other gastric spiral organisms such as Helicobacter heilmanii, and rinsing the Citrica Solution in the mouth which allows contact of the solution with other urease positive bacteria.


Data is insufficient for recommending the use of this test on patients with total or partial gastrectomy or pregnant or lactating women.

Additional Information

The H. pylori breath test is considered the gold standard for the diagnosis of H. pylori infection.


Unlike serology, the breath test is positive only with active infection and can also be used to monitor response to therapy. A negative result does not rule out the possibility of H. pylori infection.


If clinical signs are suggestive of H. pylori infection, retest with a new sample or alternate method.