Primary Care: Building a trusting relationship

Your primary care provider (PCP) is your partner in managing your health. This is the person you turn to when managing a chronic condition or when an illness or injury takes you by surprise. PCPs provide care that helps you stay healthy and well.

You can think of PCPs as general medical providers. They take care of your basic health needs and work with specialists if you require specialized care. Over time, your PCP gets to know you and your health history. This helps you get timely, accurate diagnoses and treatments that are just right for you.

When you need health care, most of the time you should start with your primary care provider and they can help you know where to go.

Call your provider if you're experiencing seasonal cold and flu symptoms like:

  • Bronchitis or cough

  • Cold or flu symptoms

  • Diarrhea

  • Ear infections

  • Fever

  • Headache

  • Joint or muscle pain

  • Nasal congestion

  • Sore throat

If your symptoms are severe, go to the ER.

Video appointments with your primary care provider may also be an option.

Care Anywhere Urgent Care Video Visit in Wisconsin

If you are in Wisconsin and need quick access to a medical provider for symptoms like allergies, cold and flu symptoms, rashes or sore throats, Care Anywhere Urgent Care Video Visits may be an option. Learn more

Conditions we treat

We diagnose and treat a variety of conditions in primary care. These include:

  • Chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure

  • Conditions that come on suddenly, such as flu, sore throats or low back pain

  • Mental health issues such as anxiety and depression

  • Minor injuries, including sprained ankles, cuts and burns

Find tips for talking with your health care provider and how to prepare for your visit.

The type of services Primary Care Providers offer includes
  • Conducting routine checkups and physical exams

  • Coordinating medical care if you see more than one provider

  • Doing minor surgical procedures

  • Delivering preventive care, such as immunizations

  • Offering education and counseling to help you lead a healthier lifestyle

  • Prescribing medications and therapies

  • Providing routine gynecological care for women, such as Pap smears

  • Referring you to specialists

  • Scheduling screening exams to find diseases like cancer before you have symptoms

UW Health clinics located in Wisconsin offer a way of treating depression and anxiety called Collaborative Care. This is a team approach located in your primary care clinic. Your Collaborative Care team will help you get better faster, while allowing you to decide what you work on.

The Collaborative Care team includes:

  • You, the patient

  • Your primary care doctor

  • Behavioral health clinician - the behavioral health clinician is an experienced provider who will work closely with you to help you feel better

  • Team psychiatrist - A team psychiatrist helps your behavioral health clinician and primary care doctor to make sure your symptoms are improving

Collaborative Care is for patients who are 18 years or older and have noticed problems with feeling sad or down, or stressed or anxious. It is not for patients currently seeing a psychiatrist or therapist.

There may be times when a serious or long-term health problem makes it hard for you to get to a medical appointment. If you live in zip codes 53705, 53711, 53717 or 53719, and you have difficulty leaving your home because of your medical condition, you may be eligible to receive home visits.

Sometimes serious and long-term health conditions make it challenging to get to a medical appointment at a clinic. When this happens, Home-Based Primary Care (HBPC) allows the medical team to come to your home.

Your medical team includes a UW Health primary care doctor, nurse practitioner, social worker, registered nurse and medical assistant. Your Home-Based Primary Care team will help you stay safe in your home as long as possible. Your home can be a private home, senior apartment community or assisted living facility.

Home-Based Primary Care provided at your home may include:

  • Visits when you don’t feel well

  • Help with social support and resource needs

  • Work on your healthcare goals

  • Reviewing and managing your medications and simplifying when possible

  • Improving support for you and your caregiver

  • Some changes in your health may require you to travel to the emergency room or hospital.

  • Your medical team will continue to be there for you, by communicating your goals of care and needs to the facility once you are ready to return home.

At UW Health, providers in various specialties deliver primary care. These include:

A family of three standing outside in a park smiling at each other

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If you are looking for a primary care provider, we can help.

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